Monday, August 2, 2010

Inspiring Each Other

Ola friends,

My horoscope this past week said, "Share what you’ve found inside your heart." Interesting, because I think I have been doing this. Writing this blog has become a very therapeutic experience for me. I feel like I'm talking to YOU....somewhere, out there! I'm getting a bit sick of myself so this outlet is crucial!

What I didn't realize, however, is that it has also become helpful for others. I got the most touching email from a dear friend this week. By sharing what I have found inside my heart, I have somehow encouraged her to let go of a bar she had been clinging to for quite some time. Amazing! She has given me permission to put her message in my blog. Here it is:

I'm so sorry that I've been so absent in contact in the time that you've been gone. I really wanted to stay in touch and hear all about it, but I feel like your blog has let me experience it all along with you!! I have been 'In Between' my own bars in the last few weeks and that has been holding most of my focus. Reading your experiences and fears and growth and fullness of what you've been doing has not only given me added strength at a time of some uncertainties in my life, but given me hope that we all have a place and a path, if we just listen to what our heart is telling us. I've let go of one 'bar' and quit my job!! I'm really not sure what's going to happen next, but I'm looking forward and open to the next path that opens up to me. It really is a scary place to be, but I know that I have to take that risk to really move forward. I am so proud of you and proud to call you my friend in all that you have done and experienced and all of the challenges that you have thrown yourself head first into! I can't wait to see you in person and 'see' how much you have grown, stretched and changed!!
With a full heart,

After I initially read this, I started to cry. How beautiful. One of my friends is now flying through the air! I'm so proud of her. This got me many of you, in addition to D, are in between? If you are, send me a note....let's inspire each other. We could form our own 'in between bars' support group! :) 

Whoosh....I'm really flying now too, there is very little foundation left underneath these feet. Soon my practicum will be over and I'll be looking to see what happens next. What will the new bar look like?

Spring is in the Pretoria (polluted) air,

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